Reclaim Yourself After Heartbreak
Online anxiety therapy in South Carolina for millennials coping with break ups and divorce.
Release worry & what ifs - experience profound love & peace.
My clients are overachievers and go getters with a crippling fear of disappointing…well, anyone. They watch people walking past and wonder what it must be like. Holding hands with a loving partner. Enjoying a peaceful, quiet mental moment.
Through online therapy, my clients’s lives changed.
Start online counseling for anxiety and coping with a break up - find freedom, authenticity, and the possibility for amazing love.
Schedule free 15 min call now.
Hi, I’m Emilea!
I was probably just like you. I was a perfectionist, former A+ student addicted to Meg Ryan movies. I had bad dates, what-are-we-doing guy friends, and a lot of anxiety. I just wanted to feel loved and at peace.
After spending ungodly amounts of money at Anthropologie, I finally turned to therapy. I learned how to heal my relationship with myself. My friends. My family.. That opened me up to having the most incredible relationships. And then I met my husband.
That’s not all…
I also discovered a love for therapy.
Not only did I figure out how to grow into the person I wanted to be. I figured out that the person I wanted to be…wanted to help others grow too. I went to school. Got licensed.
I’ve helped so many clients across South Carolina overcome anxiety.
Cope with break ups. Heal from divorce. And live the life they’ve always wanted. Be the person they always knew they were. Through online therapy I’ve helped so many people in South Carolina change their lives. And I can help you too.
Online Therapy in SC
Online Therapy in SC
In online counseling, I give overachievers with anxiety tools to feel better fast. I’m with them every step along the way. By digging into deep, soul searching work, anxious overachievers don’t become different people. They have permission to be themselves. Quiet the noise in their heads. Release the tension in their chest. And let all the things they thought they had to be for others…fall away.
Anxious millennials leave panic and nerves behind, and become exactly who they are. And they’re pretty dang awesome.
Wanna know the best part?
You can have what you want.
It really is possible. I experienced it personally. I trained for years to help others achieve it as well. Not only do my clients get to do what they want - meaningful careers, loving partners, great family relationships - but they also feel comfortable. Confident. At ease. They are able to untangle from anxiety whenever it pops up. And continue creating the life they want to live.
What’s the bottom line?
I walk my clients through a process of healing and creating a new life. And I can do the same thing for you. You can have what you want.
Get started now
With a free 15 minute consultation call
Think of it kind of like a first date. We’ll see if I’m a good fit for your journey, and get you started feeling better fast.
You might be wondering…
How do I get started? What is online therapy like? Is online counseling effective? Will insurance cover online counseling?
I get it! Whether you’ve been to a bunch of different therapists, or have never done online therapy before, I’m a new person to you. Please check out my Services Page, and I’ll have lots more info for all of my Type A planners out there!
Here’s my deal:
I want you to claim joy and radical self worth as your birthright. Overachievers are taught over and over again to accept suffering as an achievement.
Liberating myself was and is the most important thing.
But I want others to have it. To leave behind anxiety, self doubt, fear of failure, and the comparison.
And embrace exactly who you are supposed to be. To step into the fullness of yourself, and let magic and blessings rain down on you (and all you love).
It gets better…
I have the greatest blessings in life because of therapy. And I want to offer that to every person I meet.
Ethically I can’t give this gift to everyone I know. So I wanna give it to everyone that I possibly can instead. I hope that’s you.